Place Value (to thousands)
- How many hundreds, tens, and ones are there in the number 672?
- If you have 6 groups of tens and 3 ones, what number do you have?
- How many tens and ones are there in 25?
- If you have 5 groups of hundreds, 3 groups of tens, and 2 ones, what number do you have?
- How many hundreds, tens and ones are there in 620?
- If you have 8 groups of hundreds, 8 groups of tens, and 1 one, what number do you have?
- How many tens and ones are there in 19?
- If you have 5 groups of tens and 3 ones, what number do you have?
- How many hundreds, tens and ones are there in 822?
- If you have 4 groups of tens, and 5 ones, what number do you have?
- How many hundreds, tens and ones are there in 874?
- If you have 6 groups of hundreds, 2 tens, and 4 ones, what number do you have?