Graphing Systems of Linear Equations

Common Core Grade Level:
Packet includes:
12 practice problems with coordinate planes and an answer key.

This packet helps students understand how to solve linear systems by graphing the lines. There are many ways to solve systems of equations (in which you are trying to find where two lines -- represented by linear equations -- intersect).  One of the first ways that students learn to solve systems of equations is by graphing.  Although graphing is one of the least efficient and precise ways to solve a system of linear equations, solving by graphing visually demonstrates HOW the solution of a system of equations is a point (or no point, in the case of paralell lines, or infinite points in the case of identical lines).  Students learning to solve systems of equations should start with this process and then move to solving by substitution and solving by adding and subtracting equations.

Each page starts with easier problems that get more difficult as students work through the packet. After doing all 12 problems, students should be more comfortable doing these problems and have a clear understanding of how to solve them. 

Sample Problem(s)


Graph each system of linear equations.  




Check whether each ordered pair is a solution to each system of linear equations.  





Practice problems require knowledge of graphing on a coordinate plane.

Video lesson(s) showing you how to do this type of problem
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