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Writing Numbers

Writing Numbers as Words/Numerals (Decimals)

When we move to the right of the decimal in the base-10 system, we use almost the same process to name numbers as we do when naming numbers to the left of the decimal, but in reverse.  One key difference: The first place value to the right of the decimal is the tenths place.  There is no "oneths" place.  Essentially, although we think of the numberline folding over on itself (and having mirror images) on the decimal point, it actually folds over on the ones place.

Writing Numbers as Words/Numerals

Our number system is a base-10 system. Every place value in our number system is greater than the place value to the right by a factor of 10. So, if you have the number 22, the 2 in the ones column is worth 2 ones. The 2 in the tens column is worth 20 (2 x 10 = 20).

Learning to read numerals as words (and convert number words into numerals) is based mostly upon understanding place value and the digits 0-9. Before learning to name two-digit numbers, students should know the numbers 0-9 perfectly.  

Writing Numbers (Printing)

Sometimes students need practice forming numerals. These worksheets help students form their numbers, with lines to help them space their numbers proportionally.

Have students become somewhat comfortable with single digits before you move into double digit numbers. But, writing any double digit number provides help forming individual digits, so students don't have to have 1-10 perfect before they move on to the higher numbers.

Do make sure that students are practicing counting and understanding numbers as they learn to print them.