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Number Sentences - 1 more/1 less, 10 more/10 less

One of the first steps towards advanced math includes the ability to read a (word) sentence and convert it into numbers. Once students learn to count and skip count and understand the concepts of "more" and "less," they can start to solve "more" and "less" number sentences. 

Skip Counting (2s, 5s, 10s)

After students learn to count by 1, the next step is to learn to skip count. 

Skip counting is used in many math operations:


Counting, and understanding the base-10 number system, is the foundation of our math system.  It is critical that our students learn to count well and automatically.  For students to excel in math, it is also important that they see the patterns in the number system.  When counting, it can be hard to remember that 40 comes after 39, but any student who understands how the number system works will know that 41 comes after 40.